A Summary of DBT Research

A Summary of DBT Research

Since its development in the late 1980s, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) has gained significant recognition as an effective treatment for individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and other complex mental health conditions. Numerous research studies have been conducted to evaluate the efficacy and benefits of DBT.

One of the earliest studies on DBT was conducted by Linehan et al. (1991). The researchers compared the outcomes of DBT with those of treatment as usual (TAU) among women with BPD. The study found that DBT significantly reduced self-harming behaviors, suicide attempts, and psychiatric hospitalizations.

Another important study conducted in the late 1990s by Koons et al. (1997) examined the long-term effects of DBT. The researchers followed up with individuals who had completed a year of DBT and found that the therapy led to significant improvements in their overall psychological functioning, reduced suicidal behaviors, and improved social adjustment.

Further research conducted by Verheul et al. (2003) explored the effectiveness of DBT in a group setting. The study compared the outcomes of group DBT with those of a control group receiving treatment as usual. The results showed that group DBT was more effective in reducing suicidal behaviors, self-harm, and improving overall psychological well-being.

Several studies also focused on the effectiveness of DBT in treating individuals with co-occurring substance use disorders. For example, Linehan et al. (1999) conducted a study that compared DBT with a comprehensive validation therapy among individuals with BPD and substance use disorders. The findings demonstrated that DBT was more effective in reducing substance abuse and improving overall functioning.

Research provides substantial evidence for the efficacy and benefits of DBT in treating individuals with borderline personality disorder and other complex mental health conditions. These studies demonstrated that DBT led to significant reductions in self-harming behaviors, suicide attempts, psychiatric hospitalizations, and substance abuse. Additionally, DBT was found to improve overall psychological functioning, social adjustment, and psychological well-being.


The Australian DBT Institute was founded to promote the education of mental health professionals and to deliver Comprehensive DBT programs from our clinic in Bendigo Victoria.