Australian DBT Institute’s 20th Birthday Celebration!

Australian DBT Institute’s 20th Birthday Celebration!

In January 2024 the Australian DBT Institute has a huge milestone to celebrate! We will be celebrating 20 years of developing mental health professionals and delivering comprehensive DBT programs! To celebrate our 20th birthday we are releasing a range of workshops and services including discounted rates, improved training options, and more!

Radically Open DBT Training in 2024

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Training in 2024

Trauma Therapy Intensives (Stabilisation Based Therapy, DBT & Somatic Trauma Therapy) in 2024

Our History & Achievements

Looking back we have packed a lot into the 20 years and have even more to achieve in the future!

  • The Australian DBT Institute was founded in 2004.
  • The institute has been providing leadership in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy since 2004, Trauma-Informed Adaptions of DBT since 2010, and Radically Open DBT Since 2021.
  • We have had amazing collaborations with Behavioral Tech LLC (Marsha Linehan’s Training Company 2004-2008), Babette Rothschild (creator of Somatic Trauma Therapy 2014-18), South African DBT Institute (2016-2020), SSL Network in Singapore (2018-2022) Southern Cross University (2021 to current) and most recently Radically Open Ltd (2022-current).
  • Our workshops and courses in DBT-informed approaches have been delivered to over 15,000 mental health professionals with training held throughout Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Thailand, Singapore, and South Africa.
  • Our clinical services are provided by our Independently Contracted Psychologists, Social Workers, Mental Health Nurses, and Counsellors who have completed intensive training in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Radically Open DBT, and Trauma-Informed approaches.
  • Our clinical services are provided through our Essentia Health Clinics in Melbourne, Sydney, and Gold Coast/Brisbane.
  • Our research outcomes have included:
    • Development of DBT-TI, a trauma-informed DBT approach.
    • Development of DBT Assist, an online DBT teaching portal
    • RCT 16-week youth program with an 8-week wait list program which found participants in a DBT youth program significantly reduced suicidality and increased global functioning at greater rates.
    • A clinical trial exploring the Effectiveness of DBT being delivered online found that DBT delivered online is as effective as in-person DBT.
    • Ph.D. study found that all components of DBT are considered the most effective by mental health professionals in treating individuals with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. The study also identified private practice and public mental health as the most desirable locations for individual DBT therapy and the not-for-profit sector was identified as the most desirable location for DBT skills groups.
    • Public Mental Health Service attending our DBT Intensive training, in collaboration with Behavioral Tech LLC, reported a $50,000 saving to the public mental health services following a 6-month implementation of DBT post training. Clients recorded lower levels of depression, hospital admission rates, suicidal ideation, and higher global functioning.
    • A clinical trial of DBT in veterans’ families found improvement in Quality of Life, more regular use of skills, and reductions in depression and anxiety.


The Australian DBT Institute, established in 2004, provides professional development opportunities for Mental Health Professionals seeking to become proficient in dialectical behaviour therapy-informed and Radically Open Dialectical Behaviour Therapy approaches. Our team is led by experienced practitioners who have received training, mentoring, and development from Marsha Linehan’s team at Behavioral Tech LLC (2004-8) in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) as well as Radically Open Ltd (2022 to current) in Radically Open Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (RO DBT). The Australian DBT Institute has led high-fidelity DBT programs since 2004 through the Essentia Health Clinics in Melbourne, Sydney, the Gold Coast, and online via Telehealth. In 2022, the Institute adapted our approach to include a baseline assessment of over-control and under-control coping to best determine the most suitable therapeutic approach (RO DBT for maladaptive over-control presentations and DBT for maladaptive under-control presentations) in our clinical and teaching programs. Our clinical programs have included comprehensive DBT, Radically Open DBT, and modified DBT programs for specific populations including youth, carers, Indigenous Australians, correctional settings, and psychiatric emergency settings.