Mental Health
Understanding and Raising Awareness for BPD: BPD Awareness Week

Understanding and Raising Awareness for BPD: BPD Awareness Week

Every year, during the first week of October, individuals, organisations, and communities come together to observe Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Awareness Week. This important week aims to shed light on the challenges faced by those living with BPD, as well as educate the public about this often misunderstood mental health condition. Borderline Personality Disorder is a complex mental illness that affects approximately 2-5% of the Australian population. Despite its prevalence, BPD remains highly stigmatized and misunderstood. BPD Awareness Week plays a crucial role in breaking down these barriers and promoting understanding and empathy. The primary objective of BPD Awareness Week is to raise awareness about the disorder and provide accurate information to dispel misconceptions. It serves as an opportunity to educate the public, healthcare professionals, and policymakers about the realities of living with BPD.

Why is BPD Awareness Week Important?

BPD is often characterized by intense emotions, unstable relationships, and impulsive behaviors. People with BPD may experience difficulties in regulating their emotions and have a distorted sense of self. Unfortunately, these symptoms can lead to misconceptions and judgments from others. By dedicating an entire week to BPD awareness, we can challenge these misconceptions and provide a platform for open discussions. BPD Awareness Week helps to reduce the stigma surrounding the disorder, encouraging individuals to seek help and support without fear of judgment.

Activities and Initiatives during BPD Awareness Week

Throughout BPD Awareness Week, various activities and initiatives take place to promote understanding and support for individuals with BPD. These may include:
  • Public Talks and Workshops: Mental health professionals and individuals with lived experiences often lead informative sessions to educate the public about BPD.
  • Webinars and Online Resources: Online platforms provide valuable resources, including webinars, articles, and videos, to increase awareness and understanding of BPD.
  • Community Events: Support groups, art exhibits, and fundraising events are organized to foster a sense of community and solidarity among individuals affected by BPD.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Hashtags and social media campaigns are used to spread awareness and share personal stories, providing a platform for individuals to connect and find support.
The Australian DBT Institute recommends going to to find a range of events and activities during BPD week!

How You Can Get Involved

There are numerous ways to get involved and show support during BPD Awareness Week:
  • Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn about BPD, its symptoms, and the challenges faced by individuals with the disorder. Understanding is the first step towards empathy and support.
  • Share Information: Utilize your social media platforms to share educational resources, personal stories, and facts about BPD. Help spread accurate information and combat stigma.
  • Attend Events: If there are local events or workshops happening in your area, consider attending to learn more about BPD and show support for those affected by the disorder.
  • Donate: Many organizations dedicated to BPD awareness and support rely on donations to continue their important work. Consider making a contribution to help fund research, education, and advocacy efforts.
BPD Awareness Week serves as a reminder that mental health conditions deserve our attention, understanding, and support. By coming together to raise awareness and challenge misconceptions, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive society for all. More information is available at
The Australian DBT Institute, established in 2004, provides professional development opportunities for Mental Health Professionals seeking to become proficient in dialectical behaviour therapy-informed and Radically Open Dialectical Behaviour Therapy approaches. Our team is led by experienced practitioners who have received training, mentoring, and development from Marsha Linehan’s team at Behavioral Tech LLC (2004-8) in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) as well as Radically Open Ltd (2022 to current) in Radically Open Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (RO DBT). The Australian DBT Institute has led high-fidelity DBT programs since 2004 through the Essentia Health Clinics in Melbourne, Sydney, the Gold Coast, and online via Telehealth. In 2022, the Institute adapted our approach to include a baseline assessment of over-control and under-control coping to best determine the most suitable therapeutic approach (RO DBT for maladaptive over-control presentations and DBT for maladaptive under-control presentations) in our clinical and teaching programs. Our clinical programs have included comprehensive DBT, Radically Open DBT, and modified DBT programs for specific populations including youth, carers, Indigenous Australians, correctional settings, and psychiatric emergency settings.