Advancements in DBT Research: A Summary of Findings in 2004

Advancements in DBT Research: A Summary of Findings in 2004


In 2004, several groundbreaking studies were conducted in the field of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), shedding light on its effectiveness and potential applications. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the key findings from these studies, highlighting the impact of DBT on various mental health conditions.

Study 1: DBT for Borderline Personality Disorder

Research conducted by Linehan et al. (2004) demonstrated the efficacy of DBT in treating individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The study found that DBT significantly reduced self-harm behaviors, suicidal ideation, and overall emotional dysregulation in BPD patients.

Study 2: DBT for Substance Use Disorders

A study by Harned et al. (2004) explored the effectiveness of DBT in treating individuals with co-occurring Borderline Personality Disorder and Substance Use Disorders. The results indicated that DBT not only reduced substance abuse but also improved overall functioning and quality of life in this population.

Study 3: DBT for Eating Disorders

DBT’s potential in treating eating disorders was investigated by Safer et al. (2004). The study found that DBT led to significant reductions in binge eating episodes, purging behaviors, and overall eating disorder symptoms. It also improved body image dissatisfaction and emotional well-being in individuals with eating disorders.

Study 4: DBT for Depression

Research conducted by Lynch et al. (2004) explored the efficacy of DBT as an adjunctive treatment for individuals with major depressive disorder. The study revealed that DBT, when combined with standard antidepressant medication, resulted in greater reduction in depressive symptoms compared to medication alone.


The studies conducted in 2004 provided compelling evidence for the effectiveness of DBT across various mental health conditions. DBT showed promising results in treating Borderline Personality Disorder, Substance Use Disorders, Eating Disorders, and Depression. These findings highlight the potential of DBT as a versatile and impactful therapeutic approach. Further research is needed to explore the long-term effects and optimal implementation of DBT in clinical settings.

The Australian DBT Institute was founded to promote the education of mental health professionals and to deliver Comprehensive DBT programs from our clinic in Bendigo Victoria. The Australian DBT Institute has hosted senior Behavioral Tech LLC trainers Meggan Moorhead (2004), Cedar Koons (2004), Robin McCann (2004), and Michel Galietta (2004) to support the development of mental health professionals in Australia.